Dragon’s Lair Acupuncture offers a different kind of medicine through the use of Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Formulas and Qi Gong.
Dragon’s Lair Acupuncture offers a different kind of medicine through the use of Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Formulas and Qi Gong.
Acupuncture is the art of rebalancing your body's energetic network; guiding your body's innate desire to heal. It is a method of encouraging your body to promote your vital force; your body’s innate desire to heal. Healing is promoted by improving overall function of the internal organs, circulatory, endocrine, and nervous systems.
Qi Gong is meditation in movement. It is a form of non-aggressive exercise. Qi Gong is the overlap of Chinese Healing and Martial Arts. Qi nourishes the blood with the breath. It improves microcirculation to the brain, vital organs, intestines, endocrine glands and moves blood to avenues of microcirculation.